
Seminar Offerings

 Carl Hausman, Ph.D.

Author of Present Like a Pro (Praeger, 2017) and Write Like a Pro (Praeger, 2016)

and More than Ten Other Books about Communication

Contact me at (856) 371-5455


 Secrets of Successful Goal-Setters: The methods used by high achievers to set and achieve goals.   Included are techniques for getting started, formulating initial goals, editing and adjusting those goals as you go along, staying on track, and using effective inch-by-inch goal-setting as a mechanism to keep from being overwhelmed.

Present to Persuade: What research says about what really works in persuasive presentations and how to move people to your point of view without them feeling pressured or manipulated.

How to Overcome Objections and Antagonistic Responses During a Presentation – And Turn Them to Your Advantage: Techniques to bridge agendas, satisfy those raising objections while still achieving your goal, hush hecklers, turn around loaded questions, and isolate a troublemaker to get the audience on your side.

The Secret Structure of a Presentation: The simple way to construct a presentation using compelling stories, suspense-building questions, a satisfying conclusion, and a logical arc.

Give Your Ideas a Strong Voice:  Straightforward techniques you can employ immediately to magnify vocal power, resonance, and clarity.

How to Tame the Big Writing Project: Techniques pros employ to organize notes, plan a major report, article, or book, and accomplish it the same way you eat an elephant…one bite at a time.

How to Use Humor in a Presentation:  Effective and fail-safe techniques that can be used by speakers and writers even if they don’t consider themselves “naturally” funny.

Crafting a Motivational Talk:  Techniques that fire people up, build spirit, and energize an audience to confront difficult tasks.

How to Not Only Overcome Presentation Anxiety but Make It Work for You:  Proven ways that presenters can blunt the negative effects of nerves, keep anxiety from being perceived by the audience, and most importantly, funnel that energy into a powerful presentation.

How to Establish Yourself as an Authority in Your Field: Ways to publish books and articles, blog posts and podcasts, and make media appearances in which you comment from your perspective as an expert.